I am a strong believer in the idea that when it comes to tattoos, “More is more.” Of course that’s just my personal opinion, and since I’m an avid tattoo “collector” I guess that is expected. That idea of “more is more” is absolutely the case in this scenario on my buddy Alex Hall’s right leg.
Alex is a serious tattoo collector out of Portland, Oregon who’s been gathering body art for many years now. He has had over 120 hours of work put into his right leg alone, and is collecting more on his left leg.
I went and grabbed a quick bite to eat with him in Portland not too long ago, and got the chance to film this video of his leg on my Iphone afterward.
Below is a list of the artists who have contributed to his leg projects:
Artists include:
- Steve Wimmer (@stevewimmer)
- Carlos Torres (@carlostorresart)
- Timmy B (@timmy_b_413)
- Audie Fulfer Jr (@audie_tattoos)
- Steven Compton (@steven_compton)
- Roman Abrego (@romantattoos)
- Poch (@pochtattoos)
- Russ Abbott (@russabbott)
- Paul Todd (@paultoddtattoos)
- Sam Fiorino (@samfiorinotattoos)
- Jonathan Penchoff (@earthgrasper)
- Tylor Schwarz
- Ty McEwen (@tymcewen)
- BJ Betts (@bjbetts)
- Nicholas Keiser (@deadmeat)
- Tiffer Wright (@tifferwright)
- Josh Herman (@joshhermantattoo)
I hope you enjoyed checking out his incredible collection as much as I did. As you can see, there’s a lot of creativity and originality in his work.